How to get involved

In Nova Scotia we have two different lacrosse seasons; Box Lacrosse and Field Lacrosse.
Box lacrosse season runs from May to July. Box Lacrosse is played on a standard sized arena floor and features 6 players (goaltender and five runners) on the floor for each team at one time.  A team is made up of up to 18 runners and 2 goaltenders per team. The necessary equipment is kidney pads, shoulder pads, elbow pads, gloves, helmet, facemask, mouthguard, a stick and proper running shoes.
To find the Club you would register to play for, based on your location, check out the Boundary Map in the Leagues button on our home page by clicking the following link: Leagues/Boundaries .  You can click on whatever Club you belong to and check out their website for more information. Registration usually begins in February and can often be completed online on your Club's website!

Field Lacrosse is a little bit different then Box Lacrosse but still requires the same gear. There are two different field games, one for men and one for women and they  have different regulations, as well as equipment standards. Field Lacrosse is played on a soccer field with 10 players and a goalie on at a time. There is also a 7 on 7 version of the game.  Men's Field Lacrosse and Women's Field Lacrosse have completely different rules.  Women's Field Lacrosse in completely non-contact.  More information can be found on our website.  The season for field lacrosse is normally from the end of August to the beginning of October. There are two field lacrosse leagues in Nova Scotia and all registration is done directly on their websites.  It is not Club based.  Everybody registers with the leagues and then teams are made based on numbers and age categories.

Here is the website for more information on Mens Field Lacrosse and to register
Here is the website for more information on Womens Field Lacrosse and to register